Wednesday, June 30, 2010


In today’s society, the ordinary face-to-face learning structure is
becoming outdated. Much research has been done showing that computer- assisted instruction is a very effective method of delivering lessons. In addition, it has been shown that students are very receptive to this means of learning and participation, and show very favorable attitudes to the new uses for technology in the classroom.

Computer-assisted instruction is defined as the use of computer-based automatic presentation of content by way of interactive computer simulation, computer-assisted supervision, technology-based distance learning, video technology, including the use of quick-time video clips of counseling sessions, CD-Rom, and…movies demonstrating specific behavioral situations and counseling techniques (Hayes, 2008).

Discussed are the approaches to technological learning in counseling programs involving computer-assisted instruction.

In order to train counseling students effectively and develop the necessary skills, computer simulated applications have been used for many years. The application gives real life situations, gives immediate feedback, and generates empathetic responses which provide students the opportunity to practice the therapeutic process and facilitate
skill development (Hayes, 2008). Also, video technology can be utilized for student training to analyze the therapeutic relationship. Students can view “counseling sessions and answer questions about the process, the verbal and nonverbal behaviors of the clients and counselor, the relationship, and the skills used by the counselors” (Hayes, 2008). Videotaping student counseling sessions allows them to receive feedback, insuring appropriate and effective techniques. In addition, students watch popular movies on
video and DVD to learn to distinguish specific behaviors demonstrated by actors. Another
technological approach is computer-assisted supervision, which enables the supervisor to evaluate counseling skills and actually intervene, provide feedback, or redirect the conversation. Furthermore, videoconferencing can be used by the supervisor to assess verbal and nonverbal reactions of the client and student counselor (Hayes, 2008).

Modern learning has evolved to the integration of different forms of
technology in teaching strategies. Some approaches involved in computer-assisted instruction are computer simulated applications, videotaping sessions, DVD movie analysis, and computer-assisted supervision. Research shows that computer-assisted instruction is effective, and students are receptive to the integration.

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